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PETITION: Reconsidering the status of the Chinese Communist Government when participating in APEC Conferences

Nguyen Thai Hoc Foundation
P.O. Box 22254, San Jose, CA 95121

Proposal to request a review of the Chinese Communist Government’s APEC membership status.
Respectfully yours and thank you for your support.


                                                                                              For Culture – Education – Society

                 California, November 5, 2023


                 To: Speakers, members and representatives attending the APEC conference in San Francisco, California, U.S.A

                 Subject: Reconsidering the status of the Chinese Communist Government when participating in APEC Conferences.

                 We, Nguyen Thai Hoc Foundation, would like to send this proposal to you as follows:

                 1. The Chinese Communist Government should not be accepted as a participating member in this conference.
                 2. Do not negotiate, cooperate with the Chinese communist government and be careful with its promises.

                 For the following reasons:

                        The Chinese Communist Government was not honest when participating in the WTO: This wealthy country
                        with the second largest economy in the world is landing and financing other countries. It violates “the
                        General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 and the Anti-Dumping Agreement (Agreement to implement
                        Article VI of GATT 1994)”.

                        The “One Belt, One Road” strategy has created “debt traps” for countries so it can easily take advantage of
                        them in the future. It builds commercial ports and converts them into military ports later for military
                        purposes such as Hambantota Port (Sri Lanka) and Ream Naval Base (Cambodia).

                        Security, Economic, and Trade Issues: The Chinese Communist Government has installed economic spies to
                        steal company secrets and create counterfeit goods to sell on international markets. It exports foods with
                        high levels of chemicals,  hiding the source of production by circumventing goods to other countries for
                        exporting, especially products made by forced labor of Xinjiang and Uyghur…

                        Maritime Security Issue: The Chinese Communist Government has not respected the UNCLOS maritime law
                        they signed. It drew their own 9-dash line to usurp the territorial waters of other countries. It occupied
                        and possessed Vietnam’s Spratly and Paracel islands. It surrounded and prevented humanitarian food
                        supplies on Scarborough Shoal (Philippines), Natuna Island (Indonesia) and Borneo Island (Malaysia). It
                        chased away fishing boats from countries not to fish in waters that do not belong to China’s sovereignty.
                        The above actions have destroyed security at sea, especially when it armed civilian ships to easily appear
                        aggressive and chasing away fishing boats from other countries.

                        The Chinese Communist Government behaves unethically and inhumanely when it forcefully rapes,
                        harvests, and sells the organs of prisoners and Falun Gong practitioners. It intended to spread the Covid-
                        19 bacteria as a biological warfare test worldwide…

                 With the above actions and future fraudulent schemes of the Chinese Communist Government, we recommend
                 that APEC not let the Chinese Communist Government participate in this conference and permanently in the future.

                 Respectfully yours,

                 Tran, Nguyen Dinh
                 President, Nguyen Thai Hoc Foundation
                 Website: www.nguyenthaihocfoundations.org
                 Email: nthf@nguyenthaihocfoundations.org
                 Contact: (408) 766-1829

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